Stubbo Solar Farm

Stubbo, NSW

Client: PCL Construction

The Stubbo Solar project is located approximately 10km north of the historic NSW mining town of Gulgong. When it is completed in 2025, more than 930,000 photovoltaic panels will covert sunrays into 400 megawatts of clean energy.

Additionally, the rows of solar arrays will provide ample space for sheep and grazing animals to graze in and around the panels and will also provide welcome shade and protection from the hot summer sun for the grazing animals.

Rock Breaking Solutions was engaged by PCL Construction, who were awarded the engineering, procurement and construction contract for this solar project.

From late 2023 through early 2024, Rock Breaking Solutions drilled 840 holes and prepared them with high explosives for one impressive shot to prepare the land for installation of the solar arrays.

Watch the video below to see how it all came together.